Thursday, February 28, 2013

Friday Video Feed!

Because it's still that good.  Also, remember when Destiny's Child jacked that entrance?

Because MODA 2013 is almost here!'s the weekend.  What else are we going to do?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Help BreakOut Grow!

Can you believe it has only been two years? We started this amazing journey with 200 amazing movers (mostly under 18), we now have over 2200 active monthly movers of all ages and backgrounds. From Free Dance Day to Zombie short films, new classes to guest teachers, BreakOut evolves day by day. It is now time for the next step - time to grow. 

WE are asking your help to grow BreakOut. Bigger studios, huge improvements and a continued push towards the future of movement! It is time and we are ready. Through BreakOut's success, private investors and this website, we plan on building one the most incredible movement facilities in the country! Imagine the possibilities.

Funds raised from this site will be broken down as follows:

50% of funds raised will be used for building costs and transition:
Larger studios, AC system, flooring, improved sound and tech, expanded lobby and so much more. Transition from our current structure to our new facility will be smooth because you have helped us!

30% Growing the Life Moves brand...
Continuing to build our amazing brand by pushing the future of movement. Production studio equipment, general tech and computer equipment, online and in house retail and so much more.
Discover our brand:
We have an amazing community built online - covering all the major social media platforms.
Instagram: @BreakOutStudios
LifeMoves Blog:
Life Moves eJournal:

20% Giving back to the future of BreakOut - the BreakOut Youth Company!
Funds to help our youth company with their yearly expenses... Choreography, travel, costumes, guest choreography and so much more. These dancers are some of the most hard working and talented kiddos on the planet! Help these amazing young movers achieve their dreams.

Beyond the reward levels below we do offer investment and partnership options. If interested please contact us at

PLEASE share this page. Our goal is to surpass our $100,000 goal... let's see if we can do it.

BreakOut has come so far because of you and your support. Once again we reach out to you, help us take BreakOut to the next level. We can do it together. Standing tall in the present we look towards a very bright future.

Life Moves...Move With It™

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Friday Video Feed

Incredible Deep Sea Photographs by Andreas Franke

Originally posted here.

Austrian photographer and deep sea diving enthusiast Andreas Franke has released a new series titled Stavronikita Project: The Life Above Refined Below being exhibited deep at the bottom of the Caribbean right off the coast of Barbados. It was less than two years ago that the adventurous photographer first introduced his idea of an underwater gallery, at 130 ft. deep, with his photography affixed to the sunken USS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg ship. This new exhibit, though similar in its approach, offers a new set of surreal images to view by diving undersea.

Franke's latest project explores the decadent lifestyle of the wealthy during the Rococo era as it is juxtaposed with the decaying freight ship and swarming marine life as its backdrop. The Viennese artist uses images of his models imitating the period of opulent abundance as a contrasting visual to his deep sea captures of the SS Stavronikita, creating an intriguing image rich with interpretation. Like his previous work, Stavronikita is on display underwater, behind a plane of plexiglas, sealed in with silicone and a steel frame and attached to the ship with strong magnets. The exhibit can currently be seen, at a depth of 80 ft., through April 2013.